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Andréia Romanenco

Massage Therapist

AndreiaAndréia graduated in Massage Therapy at Centennial College since 2021. Andréia has a vast experience as a Physiotherapist and Acupuncturist in Brazil since 2011. She has taken several courses in her home country which includes myofascial release and Pilates. Over the years she has helped numerous clients with Headaches, Migraines, Neck Pain, Whiplash, Lower Back Pain, Sciatica, Stress, Joint Pain, Body Pain, Muscle Knots, Myofascial Strain, Fibromyalgia, etc. Her passion is to HELP HEAL people INSIDE and OUT. With years of experience as Physiotherapist (Brazil), Acupuncturist(Brazil) and Massage Therapy she brings all the knowledge of different techniques on ONE Table. She has developed her unique style to get the Best Therapeutic results to fit the client’s needs.


Andréia Romanenco | (548) 489 1009