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Pilates in Cambridge

Dr. David Pilates classPilates is a full-body form of exercise that was originally developed by Joseph Pilates to help dancers recover from injury. It has become widely known for its many health benefits, including better flexibility, muscle tone, and strength (particularly core strength).

At Helios Physiotherapy and Rehab, we offer one-on-one Pilates sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals.


Who Is It For?

Every client begins with a consultation and thorough assessment so that we can determine the underlying cause of any musculoskeletal conditions and create a customized care plan to address those issues.

Along with physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage, and other therapies, we may recommend Pilates as a way to improve core strength and help you regain optimal mobility.

Since we believe movement is medicine for life, we offer a comprehensive approach to help you move your best at any age—and improving core strength and flexibility through Pilates training can often help improve your ability to move.

How Is It Different From Yoga?

There is often some confusion between yoga and Pilates. While both are mind/body exercises incorporating breathing techniques, yoga focuses more on spiritual and mental well-being. Pilates is focused on physical health and fitness. In yoga, breathwork promotes relaxation, whereas in Pilates, you’ll use your breathing for energy.

Finally, yoga is a more internal meditative practice of improving flexibility and healing the mind and body, while Pilates is an external core-strengthening and toning practice.

What to Expect

Your session will be a one-on-one session with your physiotherapist, who will teach and demonstrate the movements so that you can perform them safely and correctly. This is an exercise session, so please be sure to wear workout clothing or comfortable attire that you can move around in.

We provide these sessions in our own Pilates studio onsite, so there is no need to go anywhere else or join a gym.

Take Your Health to the Next Level

If you’re ready to think about wellness rather than illness, we can help! Contact us today to schedule your first appointment. We look forward to welcoming you.


Pilates Cambridge, ON | (548) 489 1009