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Sports Therapy in Cambridge

Father and daughter on tennis courtIn recent years, increasing numbers of people of all ages have become active for all the health benefits exercises and sports offer.

Exercises and Sports are good, but sometimes you can get injured while playing sports or doing exercises. Accidents, poor training practices, overdoing exercises, inadequate warm up or improper gear can cause these types of injuries.


The most common sports injuries are

  • Sprains and Strains
  • Knee injuries
  • Swollen muscles
  • Achilles tendon injuries
  • Pain along the shin bone
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations

Evaluation And Diagnosis

Obtaining a thorough, detailed history of events is critical in the evaluation of any trauma related injury to lead to an accurate diagnosis. Immediate evaluation is important to determine if there are any severe injuries such as a fracture or concussion.

Common signs and symptoms of any sports injuries are swelling, pain, instability, and bruising. Numbness or severe weakness may suggest a related nerve injury.

Examination of the body part for evidence of instability and localizing pain is an integral part of the Initial Assessment. Often x-rays or MRIs are obtained for further evaluation. Sprains are categorized into three grades ranging from mild, moderate to severe. We can help you to determine the grade of sprain after the assessment.

Treatment and Rehabilitation

After an accurate diagnosis is obtained, treatment will vary depending on the severity of injury. Early and comprehensive treatment remains the best predictor of a good recovery.

A comprehensive rehabilitation program is a critical part in the treatment of sports injuries. With the guidance of a physical therapist at Helios Physiotherapy and Rehab, improving mobility and strength of the joints will quicken the recovery time and decrease the risk of re-injury.

Re-training the sensory receptors (called Kinesthetic and Proprioceptive sense) and postural control (balance) are critical components of the rehab program. Balance training is an excellent rehabilitation technique that helps to strengthen and stabilize the joint, reducing the risk of re-injury. Returning to activities usually varies from a few days to months, depending on the severity of injury.

Prevention of injury is a part of training and exercise plans as well. The ultimate goal of any treatment program is to improve function without inhibiting an individual’s performance.

At Helios Physiotherapy and Rehab we can help in prevention and management of injuries resulting from sport and exercise participation at all ages and at all levels of ability. It also helps to continue your active lifestyle which helps in improving and maintaining your quality of life. We can help to improve all levels of ability to enhance your performance.

Schedule Your Appointment

Don’t let sports injuries hold you back. Our sport therapy program at Helios Physiotherapy and Rehab offers comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation to help you recover from sprains, strains, fractures, and more. Book now!


Sports Therapy Cambridge, ON | (548) 489 1009